Family Picture - June 2013

My Posterity

Friday, February 12, 2010

MoyaMoya Disease:

My niece, Samantha, has just been diagnosed with MoyaMoya Disease. She was admitted to the hospital (IHC on 53rd in SLC) this past Sunday evening because she was experiencing a severe headache, nausea, numbness in her limbs.

When Samantha was 8 she had a stroke and then had another when she was 11. She's actually done very well over these past several years (she is 20 now) but experienced stroke like symptoms this past Sunday.

Moyamoya is a Japanese word meaning "puff of smoke" and it is an inherited disease in which certain arteries in the brain are constricted, blood flow is blocked by the constriction. Samantha currently has bleeding on/in the brain from her arteries failing. The doctors are trying to stop the bleeding by giving her super doses of vitamin K and stopping all drugs such as antiplatelet agents.

There is a lot of information on the web, to learn more you can just google Moyamoya Disease and learn all about it.

Please keep Samantha in your prayers. We are so sorry Samantha girl that you have to go through this!

(Samantha belongs to my brother, Drake)

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